Why stand in line for hours at the airport terminal only to pay fees for checked baggage and risk losing your possessions? With just a few compromises and some simple techniques, you can reduce your load for any trip.
Tip #1: Make a List – and Stick to It!
A quick internet search will turn up endless packing list templates that focus on specific destinations. They offer comprehensive inventories of everything you could possibly want while away from home. Change your perspective from a anticipating every eventuality to packing only those items you can’t live without, then cross off 70% of the things suggested by the web as must-haves. Think of your packing list as a budget, and commit to leaving out any article you didn’t write down as critical.
Tip# 2: Choose the Right Bag
When selecting your luggage, consider it an investment that could last a lifetime if you make the best choice now. Study the specs for greatest storage capacity – generally a rectangular shaped piece without external pockets. Soft industrial strength nylon fabric sides are preferable to hard, and chain zippers are far more reliable for staying intact to keep your things safe and in place. If your goal is to carry everything on, be sure your bag meets the standard 45 inch requirement of most airlines. Add the height + width + length for a total. If this is 45 inches or less, you should have no trouble.
Tip# 3: Minimize Shoes
The bulkiest, heaviest items in most suitcases is a collection of shoes, most of which are never worn during the trip. Limit yourself to one pair for walking and another that can serve as footwear for both casual outings and more formal occasions (think loafers). As you will wear one pair to travel in, you have only one left to take up precious packing space. As an extra bonus, small items such as jewelry can be slipped inside your packed shoes for safekeeping.
You can save money when you travel light with these top three tips for packing. Save even more when you visit MyTravelMoney.co.uk and buy travel money online.