Twitter can be an amazing tool to use for research. Whether you’re an avid traveller or celebrity follower, Twitter has the information you need or the people who have that information all in a 140 character snippet.
We’ve collected together 20 of the best travel Twitter handles to follow so that you get the lowdown on the best deals as they happen and lots of useful travel advice.
So, you haven’t got lots of time to hunt down the latest travel deals. Follow @getatraveldeal and you’ll always be in the know about the deals as they happen. Sylvia Myers always has a mailbox crammed with great offers, discount codes and more.
Expedia, the popular travel site, already has a large following on Twitter, and with good reason. Their hot deals are second to none and you’ll also find top tips on popular destinations and a wealth of information about travel packages, hotels and flight deals.
Yes, the search giant not only brings you the best search engine services, but some of the best travel services too. From interesting destination facts to the latest travel industry news, Google’s Travel Team will make sure you are kept up to date with the latest snippets.
Rick Seaney, CEO of FareCompare.com cares about sharing the latest travel deals with his many followers. FareCompare is home to the largest database of historical and current airfares, but you will also find answers to air travel questions and lots of useful advice about travelling abroad.
Fun stories about travelling, facts on getting the best deals and the latest travel industry news are what makes Middle Seat from the Wall Street Journal so popular with its followers.
If you’re a fan of the gadding.com blog, you will love the Twitter feed. Here you’ll find lots of fun, interesting and relevant stories about travel and how to get the best deals as they happen online.
Orbitz, the leading online travel company, offers the best in travel news, deals and also the best planning advice so that you really get the best from your next trip. You can also check out the latest deals on their website.
If offbeat travel news is what you are after, head on over to follow Vagabondish. Here you’ll get lots of information about individual cities, culture, fun facts and details about the latest travel promotions as they happen.
Want the latest information from one of the world’s leading travel gurus? Need to know if it’s safe to travel to Egypt? Do you want more information on Traveller’s Cheques and other currency? Peter Greenberg answers these questions and many more.
Not For Tourists is a great resource that gives you insider information on what is happening in neighbourhoods around the world. If you really want to blend in with the locals whilst travelling, this is the site for you!
The fareologist at Bing Travel is here to give you the latest hotel and airfare details, the lowdown on where to travel and the latest in travel news and trends. Bing Travel can also take the hard work out of finding your next holiday with their powerful search facility.
The best trips in the world start at Frommers and here you’ll find some of the best travel guides, deals, stories and much more delivered directly to your Twitter account in easy to read snippets.
The Guardian is renowned for its great travel stories and their Twitter account is no exception. Emerging destinations, insider guides, travel trends and new hotels all make it onto their Twitter feed and you’ll discover some great places to travel that you didn’t even think of.
Conde Nast Traveler is one of the most respected of travel companies around and are loved for their truthful reviews of some of the world’s best destinations. Conde Nast correspondents travel anonymously so they are great at getting the best reviews and stories to your mobile device.
Want the latest in travel tips and trends, company news and travel news? Need random but useful stories and tips direct from the knowledgeable Kayak team? You’ve got it!
Have you heard of The Adolphus Hotel? It’s a cosmopolitan hotel rated number 1 in the Zagat Survey (high praise indeed!). Located in Dallas, Texas, the Adolphus keeps its audience happy with interesting lifestyle and travel tips and events happening in the local area.
Looking to holiday on a low budget? The Frugal Traveler can help you find those elusive deals and save a fortune on your travels. When you follow Seth Kugen, you’ll find these benefits and many more delivered direct to your timeline.
Travel reports, guides, special offers, latest travel stories, travel articles and much more await you at The Travel Magazine. Based in London, this popular publication offers some of the best advice for travelling around the world.
Want the last minute deals on airfares delivered to Twitter every Tuesday? Follow Jet Blue Cheeps and you’ll get just that. Cheeps are offered for a limited amount of time so snap them up quick before everybody else does!
Paul Steele is the Founder and Editor BaldHiker.com. While his twitter handles do not offer travel deals, they do offer a look at places around the world you don’t want to miss. Some of the best photos, revealing some of earths hidden treasures.