At #tbe12, it was a great pleasure to meet Jordi Sinclair, Head of Marketing at PlusHostels.com. We caught up for a quick interview to find out how the company is changing our perception of hostels!
Our Verdict: 5/5 Welcome to an era of flashpacking and great quality hostels with first class facilities
Describe PlusHostels in one sentence?
In one sentence? Ummmm – “Luxury for backpackers”
What problem are you trying to solve for the hostel market?
Definitely the perception that a hostel is dirty, crowded and only for “young” people. Gone are the days of the old “Youth Hostel” – we have pools and saunas in our hostels.
Where are the hostels based?
We have hostels in Venice, Rome, Berlin, Prague and Florence.
Proudest achievement to date working for PlusHostels?
Managing to somewhat seemlessly restructure the brand.
Do you think the future of hostels in general is moving towards a better quality experience?
Absolutely. The more the consumers expect, the more we have to give them thus culminating in a better experience.
Do you have growth plans for new hostels, and if so, what countries are you looking at?
Maybe. My lips have to remain tightly seeled on that one.
Best and worst travel destination you have been to?
Best. A toss up between Sarajevo, Beirut, Mumbai and Alleppo. Worst – “Crystal Mountain”, Egypt – let’s just say there’s 2 things wrong with the name of that place.
How did you enjoy #tbe12 and what did you get out of it? (#tbe12 was an Italian travel bloggers conference both MyTravelMoney and PlusHostels attended)
#TBE12 was a great networking event for us. I met some great people that we’ll definitely work with in the future.
Tell us a funny hostel anecdote from your time at PlusHostels?
Too many to choose from. Maybe the time we found a receptionist sleeping in the dirty linen cage after having a heavy night.
How do you buy your travel money?
I normally take my chances with ATM’s. Hasn’t always worked in some of the more obscure places I’ve been.
Thank you very much Jordi and good luck!
You can book a stay at Plus Berlin from as little as €11 per night
Want the best euro exchange rates for your trip to stay at PlusHostels, MyTravelMoney.co.uk top provider is offering €1.2218 to the pound (valid Oct 25, 2012)
1 Comment
Hmm Plus hostels in new destinations maybe? Looking forward to it