Daniel Abrahams Google +
So here’s the £500 deal. About a year ago, the team at MyTravelMoney stumbled across our lovable little pig. You may have seen him out and about on our facebook & twitter accounts. As I’m sure you would agree, he’s an absolutely adorable little thing. So we took him in, fed him & nurtured him. But… he has no name! Will you help us?
You are like family! Help Name Our Mascot & Win £500 Travel Money
And that’s where you can help. We’re putting a rallying cry to the UK public to help us. Like any parents, we have some thoughts. But want your help. As visitors to MyTravelMoney, we see you as family. Without you, we’d be nothing. As an extended family member, we want your input on the top three names our team have selected for our little piggy.
Whether you are heading for some fun in the sun in Marbs, planning a shopping trip on 5th Avenue or flying long haul to be uber trendy on Bondi Beach, we’ll help one lucky British holidaymaker have a Summer to remember!
So much so, we’re giving away a mega £500 worth of free travel money. You pick the currency & we’ll deliver the cash to your front door within 24 hours. To get started, head over to our Facebook page & please help on one very important matter. Our pig’s name!
It’s so easy to enter (takes 60 seconds):
1. Head over to our facebook competition
2. Select your favourite name: Pikki, Charles ‘Charlie’ OR Harry ‘Hazza’
3. The most popular name wins. We’ll select one lucky winner who chose the new MyTravelMoney mascot name for £500 worth of travel money.
Make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing prize and enter today to be ‘‘ in it, to win it.’’
The competition is open through to July 31’st, 2013
The Pig’s Becoming A Man
Just like we’re so excited about our pig’s naming ceremony, we are also proud to fight the cause of fairness for the British public. With yet another summer already in full flow, MyTravelMoney will continue it’s mission to help you find the fairest and cheapest deals on currency. We’re thrilled to have:
– Helped over 1,200,000 Brits save up to 10% on currency. That’s £50 on every £500 worth of travel money ordered
– Been featured in prestigious titles like ThisisMoney, The Times, AOL, Guardian, The Scotsman, Moneyweek & many more
– Won an OPP award for Best Online Service & Startup Of The Year
– Ran a national campaign to fight for transparency on misleading 0% commission advertising, garnering support from Dragon Duncan Bannatyne on Twitter!
– He said it…Richard Dyson, ThisisMoney: ”for those ordering euros online, the cheapest quotes obtained by comparison website MyTravelMoney.co.uk, were far better.”
So, to sum up: We’re giving away our biggest travel money voucher to date and this can all be yours by entering our free travel money competition today!
MyTravelMoney.co.uk’s facebook competition is open from June 25 for one month through to 5pm on July 25
looks like a Charlie to me
I have chozen the name Hazza for the pigs name.
I hope the name for the pig Hazza is the successful choice for the competition.